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A time of change

During preganancy, a lot of things change. Your body is reorganizing itself to make room for the baby. It shifts priorities. Towards the end of the pregnacy, the body prepares for the upcoming birth and moving around can get a bit more challenging. Shiatsu can help to make these transitions easier and can support your body during this exciting time.

  • Especially in the following areas :
  • Neck- and back pain
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Exhaustion
  • preparation for birth
  • After the baby is born: Shiatsu for mother and baby


Shiatsu does not replace prenatal check-ups or the valuable support of an experienced midwife.
I work together with the following midwifes:

Susanne Merki from the midwifes of Aarau (prenatal check-ups, childbed)

Olivia Schreiner from Hebammen Lenzburg at the maternitiy clinic Nordstern KSA (prenatal check-ups, birth, childbed)

Sandrine Rütti from Beleghebammen Aarau at the maternitiy clinic Nordstern KSA (prenatal check-ups, birth, childbed)